Celebrating 20 years - 2005 to 2025

What is Shopmobility Jersey Registered Jersey Charity 70 (Under the Jersey (Charities) Law, 2014

The ONLY Charity in Jersey specialising in the hire of powered scooters, powered and manual chairs, quad- and tri-walkers and more.

Lower Ground Floor, Sand Street Car Park

Free parking when you hire a scooter or wheelchair, powered or manual

Open Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 16:30 April to October and 10:00 to 14:30 November to March except Bank & Public Holidays.

We offer the service for the additional hours over the Christmas period provided there is advance booking.

There is a registration fee for permanently disabled Islanders and a small loan charge for casual users.

Parking is reserved solely for Shopmobility.   Permits will be issued each time a chair or scooter is used at no extra cost.

If you wish to book a scooter or chair, please ring 01534 739672.


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